Eco-Heroes in Action
Witnessing the success of the previous editions of our heroes project, we would like to sustain the Eco-heroes in Action project for the year 2015. This project will provide opportunities for the students to engage in collaborative learning tasks which will require them to research and to promote national and local eco-heroes in their regions. Students will connect with each other via this eTwinning platform plus a Facebook page. They will discuss heroic issues, create multimedia presentations and promote advocacies. Our vision is to see youth in the participating schools in Asia and Europe getting actively engaged in shaping a more inclusive, peaceful and sustainable world by taking action in global educational outreach campaigns and service projects (e.g. the global ENO programme, GYSD, Earth Day, Compassion Games). The project ends by disseminating information about the overall learning procedure by presenting the project to the other students, teachers and local decision-makers.