"Fiat iustitia"- May justice be done
This project is developed to give support to a Portuguese Educational Programme FAÇA_SE JUSTIÇA in which Escola Secundária Frei Rosa Viterbo is enrolled. A set of pedagogical activities will be developed in order to raise students awareness towards Justice and the Law. This programme has the support of the Portuguese Ministry of Education and it is sponsered by the Presidency of the Republic. The idea is to choose one of 8 cases related to issues like dating violence, Internet and safety in social networks, Bullying etc... and to develop a set of activities that will prepare students for a role play of a trial of the case studied by the classes involved. Our idea is to share and exchange point of views on the case and construct valid arguments collaboratively for the TRIAL.
Faça-se Justiça programa promovido pela Fórum Estudante pretende desenvolver nos alunos a sensibilidade para a Justiça e para o Direito e ajudá-los a compreender o sistema jurídico português.
Link to the Twinspace: http://new-twinspace.etwinning.net/web/p34944/welcome
Site em Português: https://sites.google.com/a/escolasdesatao.pt/faca-se-justica/